Karen Popovich Professor Business Administration & Accounting

B.B.A., M.B.A., D.B.A. Cleveland State University
Areas of Expertise:
My doctorate is in operations management with a specific focus in strategic enrollment management for higher education. My background includes technology, strategy, management, and data analysis.
Since 2002, I have been honored to teach at Saint Michael’s College and in the Department of Business Administration and Accounting (DBAA) where I have the opportunity to teach large and seminar classes, work one-on-one with students as a mentor and advisor, integrate teaching and research, and contribute to a team of involved educators who help students achieve academic success and personal growth.
Courses I Teach:
During the academic year, I have been teaching Business Strategy. As an upper-level integrative course students further develop skills in identifying, analyzing, and solving business problems through assignments which represent the “real world.” Our course includes readings, discussion, case analysis, experiential learning and presentations. Our course is writing intensive.
During the summer, I enjoy teaching in our Accelerated Summer College Program (www.smcvt.edu/academics/summer). For the last several years, I have been teaching Management and an Excel-based MIS course. In summer 2019, both my classes moved to the online portion of the program. It has been a great opportunity to expand my teaching experience and make online feel personal and like a regular class.
For me, teaching in a business program at a liberal arts institution is about shaping future graduates who bring their heads and hearts to work and recognize the value of being a life-long learner. I learn from my students as much as they learn from me. It’s not just about critical analysis and technical expertise, but developing effective communication skills and formulating intellectual and ethical decisions.
To foster lasting educational experiences, my classes encompass small and large collaborative assignments, case discussions, experiential and simulated assignments, exams, classroom and off-campus visits with community leaders and business owners, academic research and personal reflection. My goal is to have students assess their situation, define a problem or acknowledge a complex problem from a variety of viewpoints, offer recommendations or make decisions and continuously evaluate their efforts to know they are not only doing something right, but they are doing what’s right in a larger context.
Current Research:
Khare, V., and Popovich, K. (2021). Sudden switch to remote instruction: Managing a crisis in a Zoom world. Journal of Case Studies, upcoming Volume 39 Issue 1. Includes published comprehensive teaching note available on Ignited Global. Presented at 2020 Society for Case Research Summer Writing Virtual Conference. Selected for the honor of Best Case Award 2021.
Popovich, K., Pioche Khare, V., and Juel, K. (2020). Sweet Dreams: Creekside Maple Syrup. Journal of Critical Incidents, Winter 2020, Volume 13 Issue 1, 77-79. Includes published comprehensive teaching note available on Ignited Global. Presented at 2020 MBAA International Conference, Chicago.
Khare, V. and Popovich, K. (2020). Riding into social media: Earl’s Cyclery and Fitness. Journal of Case Studies, 2020. Volume 38, Issue 1, 57- 64. Includes published comprehensive teaching note available on Ignited Global. Presented at 2019 MBAA International Conference, Chicago.
Olsen, P., Popovich, K., and Doherty, P. (2019). Detox or die: Controversial social media post plagues Vermont restaurant owner. Journal of Critical Incidents, Winter 2019, Volume 12, Issue 1, 82-84. Includes published comprehensive teaching note available on Ignited Global. Presented at 2019 MBAA International Conference, Chicago.
Olsen, P., Popovich, K., and Thompson, T.A. (2016). WTF? McDonald’s minion unhappy meal. Journal of Critical Incidents, Fall 2016, Volume 9, 115-117. Includes published comprehensive teaching note available on Ignited Global.
Olsen, P., Popovich, K., and Brenock, A (Saint Michael’s student researcher). (2016). Singer Neil Young boycotts Starbucks over Vermont’s GMO labeling law. Journal of Case Studies. November 2016, Vol. 34, No. 2, p. 63-74. Includes comprehensive published teaching note available on Ignited Global.
Scholarly Publications (Double-blind and peer reviewed):
Popovich, K. (2012). A combined MIS/DS Course uses Lecture Capture Technology to “Level the Playing Field” in Student Numeracy. Information Systems Education Journal (10:3) pp 4-17.
Popovich, K, Landers, D and Letovsky, R. (2011). Estonia Air’s Big Buy. Case Research Journal, 31:1. Includes published comprehensive teaching note. Prior to publication, presented at NACRA Annual Conference, Santa Cruz, October 2009.
Above also appears in: Popovich, K, Landers, D and Letovsky, R. (2015). Estonia Air’s Big Buy. In Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. Case #3. Hill, Jones and Schilling. 11th edition. New York.
Chen, I., and Popovich, K. (2003). Understanding Customer Relationship Management (CRM): People, Process, and Technology. Business Process Management Journal, 2003.
Above article has been cited more than 1,800 times, often in top rated journals, and frequently referenced as a seminal definition of CRM. Above also received “Top 200 Downloaded Articles Award” from Emerald Publishing, May 2006.
Academic Conference Papers (Double-blind and peer reviewed):
Anderson, W. and Popovich, K. (2021). Data Breach at UVM Medical. Submitted to MBAA International Conference, March 2022 Society for Case Research. Critical Incident with extensive teaching note.
Saint Michael’s student-faculty case and teaching note presented. 2021 Society of Case Research Summer Conference Workshop. Submit revised CI and TN to Journal of Critical Incidents May 2022. See SMC In The News: https://www.smcvt.edu/about-smc/news/2021/july/engaged-and-active-learning/
- Nicole Anderson, Daniel Fortier, K. Popovich, K and V. Khare: Dark Magic? COVID-19’s Impact on Small Resort Skiing in Southern Vermont
- Taryn Manna, Matthew Egan and K. Popovich: Society and Solitude: World Famous Brewer Shaun Hill Reconsiders his Business.
Popovich, K. (2021). Rejuvenating a Research Framework during COVID-19 Disruptions and a Sudden Switch to Remote Online Teaching and Learning. Submitted to Information Systems & Computing Academic Professional | Education Special Interest Group (ISCAP|EDSIG) annual EDSIG Conference on Computing Education (EDSIGCON). The conference is selective, double-blind peer reviewed and the avenue to publication in the Information Systems Education Journal. If selected, virtual attendance November 2021.
Khare, V., Popovich, K., and Schlott, B (Saint Michael’s student researcher). (2021). COVID-19 Impacts Perry Pottery’s Expansion. Submitted to Journal of Critical Incidents, August 2021. Critical Incident with extensive teaching note. Virtually presented MBAA International Conference, March 2021
Khare, V., and Popovich, K. (2021). Chuck E. Cheese: Will the Rockstar Mouse Survive COVID 19. Submitted to Journal of Critical Incidents, August 2021. Virtually presented MBAA International Conference, March 2021 Society for Case Research. Critical Incident with extensive teaching note.
Recent Professional Presentations:
Mai Thi Thao Chi & Popovich, K. Summer 2021. Co-hosted American Council’s Fellows Program Virtual Outbound Project via four, two+ hour workshops with Saint Michael’s and University of DaNang Architecture School (DAU) of Economics, Business & Accounting Faculty.
- Pre-workshop: Fostering Relationships. K. Popovich and eight DAU faculty and Department heads
- Main event: Sharing Experience in Building Curriculum and Teaching. Four Saint Michael’s faculty (A. Apesin, R. Letovsky, K. Popovich and X. Zhen) and 30+ DAU faculty
- Outreach workshop. Saint Michael’s Liberal Arts Experience, Empowering Faculty, and SMC/DAU Business and Accounting programs with K. Popovich and 8 DAU heads and faculty.
- Accounting and the Liberal Arts with SMC Accounting faculty (S. Doyon, A. Norris & T. VanDzura) and four DAU accounting faculty.
Doyon, S. & Popovich, K. (2020). 2020 Sigma Beta Delta Induction 28 minute video production (see https://youtu.be/DBjIjaOhrSQ) with more than 500 views as of Spring 2020.
Saint Michael’s Honors Program Faculty Panel “Conformity and Deviance.” Spring 2017.
Saint Michael’s Accelerated Summer College Showcase. Students from Management organized and hosted the 2017 symposium with ASC Director, Dr. Kellie Campbell. See SMC News Story. Additionally, students in Excel and Business Applications demonstrated their interactive dashboard of key performance indicators from ASC enrollment data.
Vermont Works for Women. Summer Class Student Research: Financial and Program Dashboard in Excel on-site client presentation and Saint Michael’s College Accelerated Summer College Academic Showcase. June 2016.
Awards & Recognition
Class Appreciation Award from the Class of 2016
Appointed Department of Business Administration and Accounting Chairperson, 2015
2021 Best Case Award from the Journal of Case Studies for Sudden switch to remote instruction: Managing a crisis in a Zoom world; a co-authored case with Dr. Virginie Khare from Eckerd College.
Life Off Campus:
When not teaching, I’m often skiing down a local mountain, such as Bolton. In the summer, I enjoy motorcycle trips through windy Vermont and New England roads and visiting my family in Cleveland, Ohio.
Recent News
Karen Popovich of the Saint Michael’s College business administration and accounting faculty is active with the American Councils for International Education (ACIE). In April she presented a three-hour webinar for Romanian educators about challenges teachers have faced since the COVID-19 pandemic began, sharing how Saint Michael’s rose to the challenge. One vital “lesson learned” during this first of a series of ACIE professional development webinars for volunteer participants amounted to a simple formula, Popovich said: “Educator Growth = teaching with love.” Popovich said that Romania’s weeklong “#44PentruPrieteni” — translated to English as “For Friends” – program was grounded in the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The recent ACIE program she was part of encompassed almost 800 activities, with 20,000 volunteers across 41 counties in Romania over the first 10 days of April 2022. A few of the activities included preparing donations for the Ukrainian refugees and book donations for libraries or children in poverty. Popovich said ACIE invited her to develop her three-hour webinar where participants had the opportunity to discuss the challenges that teachers faced since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how would they best incorporate what they learned as students and educators across the globe returned to the classroom.
(posted July 2022)
Karen Popovich of the business administration and accounting faculty, with co-author Virginie Khare, PhD, from Eckerd University, received the 2021 Journal of Case Studies Best Case Award, for their case, “ Sudden switch to remote instruction: Managing a crisis in a Zoom world.” The case follows the implementation and evaluation of the switch to remote instruction in response to the COVID19 pandemic in a small liberal arts college during Spring 2020. Each case in the Journal of Case Studies is accompanied by a comprehensive teaching note with focused learning outcomes. Through analysis, students use the case and relevant theory to address discussion questions. This case will be published in Volume 39, Issue 1 of the Journal of Case Studies (and will be available via the Saint Michael’s library databases in the Business Source Complete database). Karen also joined two two-person teams of Saint Michael’s business students (along with Khare) in virtually attending the 2021 Society for Case Research’s Summer Casewriters Conference on July 20, 2021. During the session, students presented their critical incident and teaching notes; each team presented its spring 2021 semester research project to a group of conference attendees and then received critical feedback from session participants. The conference sessions are designed to give authors and the audience an opportunity to enhance scholarly research.
(posted February 2022)
Paul Olsen of the business administration & accounting faculty shares: “According to IgnitEd, ‘a community of scholars changing the world through better business education,’ cases that my faculty colleague Karen Popovich and I wrote were among the most downloaded case resources in 2021” Also, Paul is a lead organizer for an upcoming Spring 2022 panel discussion on campus titled “The Business of Beer and Hard Cider,” scheduled for February 28. Event cosponsors are the Career Education Center and the Alumni and Parent Engagement office. Panelists from local breweries will describe their work, company and career trajectory.
(posted February 2022)
In teams of two, four Saint Michael’s College business administration students along with faculty co-authors, Professor Karen Popovich and Virginie Khare (Eckerd College) virtually attended the 2021 Society for Case Research’s Summer Casewriters Conference on July 20, 2021. See full news story: https://www.smcvt.edu/about-smc/news/2021/july/engaged-and-active-learning/
Karen Popovich recently co-hosted a seminar series of virtual workshops with business and accounting faculty from Saint Michael’s College and faculty from Da Nang Architecture University in Vietnam in Summer 2021 to exchange insights about learning outcomes, approaches to teaching and other ideas. See the full news story: https://www.smcvt.edu/about-smc/news/2021/july/virtual-seminars-enrich-faculty-ties-with-da-nang-university/
Karen Popovich of the Saint Michael’s business faculty recently had two case studies published in professional journals that collect and highlight such business cases. Says Karen, “I’m especially excited about our Maple Syrup case which was a collaboration with Kristin Juel of the St. Mike’s French faculty, who owns and operates a sugar farm in Underhill, VT.” Here are the citations for those cases: “Popovich, K., Pioche Khare, V., and Juel, K. (2020). Sweet Dreams: Creekside Maple Syrup. Journal of Critical Incidents, Winter 2020, Volume 13 Issue 1, 77-79. Includes published comprehensive teaching note available on Ignited Global. Submission was also presented at 2020 MBAA International Conference, Chicago”; and: “Khare, V. and Popovich, K. (2020). ‘Riding into social media: Earl’s Cyclery and Fitness.’ Journal of Case Studies, Fall 2020. Volume 38, Issue 1, 57- 64. Includes published comprehensive teaching note available on Ignited Global. Submission was also presented at 2019 MBAA International Conference, Chicago.”
(posted February 2021)
Karen Popovich and Robert Letovsky of the Department of Business Administration & Accounting faculty accompanied a team composed of Saint Michael’s College student, on March 1 as the students competed in the 7th annual “Free Enterprise Marathon” (FEM) held at the State University of New York in Plattsburgh. This year’s event, again sponsored by the Charles Koch Foundation, boasted its largest field ever with 13 colleges and universities from New York, Vermont and New Hampshire sending student teams.
(posted June 2019)
Karen Popovich, associate professor of business administration and accounting, on May 9, joined business faculty colleague Alicia Norris and student Benjamin Guilmette at the Vermont CFA Society spring dinner and presentation in Burlington by Michael A. Gayed, CFA, a chief investment strategist from Pension Partners in New York City.
(posted June 2018)
Paul Olsen, assistant professor, and Karen Popovich, associate professor, both in the Business Administration and Accounting Department, recently wrote a business “critical incident case” in collaboration with their former student, Tiffany Thompson ’16, that was accepted for publication in the 2016 edition of the Journal of Critical Incidents. Their case was titled “WTF? McDonald’s minion unhappy meal.”
(posted November 2016)
Kellie Campbell, director of the Accelerated Summer College and assistant director, academic technology, will make a presentation at the 2016 NERCOMP annual conference at the Rhode Island Convention Center, March 21-23, 2016 in Providence, RI. Her co-presenter will be Saint Michael’s Associate Professor of Business Karen Popovich and their topic will be: “Timely innovation: Transforming teaching and learning by blending digital content with faculty mentorship over a six-week 24/7 living and learning summer program: Saint Michael’s Accelerated Summer College.” Jerome Allen of Information Technology also was accepted to present a poster at the conference, on “Student Support and Leadership: Building Better People, Making Connections and Building Community.” Kellie and Erik Lightbody, assistant director – IT Technical Services, presented Nov. 13 in Norwood, MA at the Northeast Regional Computing Program workshop entitled “Better, Faster, Stronger: Training Student Workers for your Service Desk.”
(posted January 2016)