George Ashline Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

M.S., Ph.D. University of Notre Dame
B.S. St. Lawrence University
Areas of Expertise:
Mathematics education and mathematics pedagogy; mathematical preparation of in-service and pre-service teachers; and complex analysis.
Courses I Teach:
Complex Analysis (view a classroom recording)
History of Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Mathematics Education Seminar
Number Theory
Real Analysis
Research Interests:
Mathematics education and mathematics pedagogy; mathematical preparation of in-service and pre-service teachers; and complex analysis.
I conduct professional work with K-12 teachers in the state of Vermont. Using my interest and expertise in mathematics teacher professional development, I’ve designed a Mathematics Education seminar for Saint Michael’s students.
My teaching has led to a number of peer-reviewed publications describing projects, activities, and initiatives implemented in the classroom. I’m a participant in Project NExT, a program created for new or recent Ph.D.’s in the mathematical sciences who are interested in improving the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics.
Awards & Recognition
2016 Northeast Section of the MAA award for Distinguished College or University Teaching
Norbert A. Kuntz Service Award, Fall 2010.
Joanne Rathgeb Teaching Award, Fall 2004.
Member of Phi Beta Kappa Society, since 1988; President of SMC Gamma chapter, 2004-2005.
Member of Saint Michael’s chapter of Delta Epsilon Sigma, since 2000; President 2002-2003.
Dedication of Saint Michael’s Yearbook, 2001.
Saint Michael’s College Class of 2000 Rev. Gerald E. Dupont Award.
Charter member of Saint Michael’s College Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, since 2003.
I co-wrote the article “Using Mathematically Rich Tasks to Deepen the Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Primary Teachers” which has been published as a chapter in the Springer-Verlag text Tasks in Primary Mathematics Teacher Education: Purpose, Use and Exemplars (2009). I also recently co-developed and co-taught the course “Geometry in the Middle Grades and Geometric Reasoning in Grades 9-12” for mathematics teachers through the Vermont Mathematics Partnership; I created course materials and co-taught “Number Theory for Elementary Teachers” through the Vermont Mathematics Initiative.
Life Off Campus:
I am originally from upstate New York and grew up in Rouses Point, adjacent to Canada and beautiful Lake Champlain. I enjoy biking, hiking, snowshoeing, and playing basketball. I also commute daily to work by bicycle.
Favorite Famous Quotes about Mathematics:
“What science can there be more noble, more excellent, more useful for men, more admirably high and demonstrative, than this of the mathematics.” – Benjamin Franklin
“One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science measured against reality is primitive and childlike – and yet it is the most precious thing we have.” – Albert Einstein
Recent News
Dr. George Ashline, professor of mathematics and statistics, gave invited talks/workshops to several 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes (around 90 students all together) at Crossett Brook Middle School in Duxbury, VT on F February 14.
During two morning class sessions, George presented the workshop “Exploring Ancient Number Systems”. Through multiple activities, students investigated how numbers were written by several ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Attic Greeks, and Mayans. They also compared these systems to our own decimal place value number system. During four afternoon class sessions, George presented the workshop “Number Pattern Challenges-Numbers on the Cards” through which students in each class made conjectures about and explored number patterns found on a series of cards.
This visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont.
Dr. George Ashline, professor of mathematics and statistics, recently gave an invited talk/workshop to the entire tenth grade (over 40 students all together) at Randolph Union High School in Randolph, VT. During the morning visit on T January 7, 2025, George presented the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding”. Through multiple activities, students investigated relevant exponential function concepts and their applications. They also participated in the “Chaos Game” through which they collaborated on the creation of an interesting fractal pattern. This visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont.
Gretchen Galbraith, dean of faculty, was one among several presenters for the annual Faculty Speaker Series, taking place from January 3 through January 12, 2023. Featured in this year’s lineup also were presentations from Annie O’Shaughnessy of the Graduate Education Department, George Ashline of the Mathematics and Statistics Department, Peter Vantine of the Classical and Modern Languages and Literature Department, Jen Purcell of the History Department, Kate Soons of the Health Sciences Program, and Patrick Walsh of economics. With topics ranging from the British monarchy to the Pythagorean Theorem, there was something for everyone during this year’s series.
(posted February 2023)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics and statistics, is currently fulfilling his second year of responsibility on the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Calculus Test Development Committee. CLEP gives students the opportunity to receive college credit by earning qualifying scores on any one or more of 34 exams and more than 2,900 U.S. colleges and universities grant credit for CLEP exams. The CLEP Calculus exam covers skills and concepts usually taught in a one-semester college course in calculus. The CLEP Calculus Test Development Committee consists of three college faculty members, and each member writes a set of discrete exam questions each year. Committee members help to maintain exam content and specifications and write and review exam content.
(posted February 2023)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics and statistics, again served this year as a faculty consultant for the hybrid 2022 Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Readings, held June 11-17, with the preparatory Pre-Reading from June 1 – June10. Representing various universities, colleges, and high schools from around the world, over 1200 faculty consultants graded about 400,000 exams during the week-long reading in Kansas City and at remote reader locations. George served as a question leader, guiding the preparation and implementation of the scoring notes and samples for one of the Calculus AB free response questions and completing other assessment projects.
(posted July 2022)
George Ashline of the mathematics faculty and Bret Findley of chemistry collaborated (remotely) this summer with students on research projects thanks to National Science Foundation “S-STEM” summer funding support. The students were Mitch Andrea ’22,and Dylan Wawruck ’22. Said George, “They worked diligently on developing and refining classroom-ready activities and exercises making connections between chemistry and mathematics. They also assisted with our beta-testing process, through which we are gathering survey feedback from other undergraduates about the activities.” George further shared how Barbara O’Donovan, instructor of engineering and mathematics & statistics, Engineering Program coordinator, has been involved with the project, “and offered valuable input and suggestions for these activities. She has used or plans to use some of them when teaching Calculus I.” A key element behind these opportunities is a $1 million National Science Foundation federal grant awarded to the College three years ago that aims to advance such connections and is able to pay stipends to the students as a summer job for their projects.
(posted February 2022)
George Ashline of the mathematics faculty in late June was interviewed on a popular Vermont morning talk radio show by host Ric Cengeri as part of the WDEV Math Show – that day’s feature for Cengeri’s “Vermont Viewpoint” series. “It was interesting getting a couple of calls into the show from listeners with math/related questions,” says George.
(posted February 2022)
George Ashline of the mathematics and statistics faculty once again served this year as a faculty consultant for the online 2021 Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Readings, held June 11-17, with the preparatory Pre-Reading from May 29 – June10. Representing various universities, colleges, and high schools from around the world, about 1,500 faculty consultants graded over 400,000 exams during the week-long reading. George served as a question leader, guiding the preparation and implementation of the scoring notes and samples for one of the Calculus AB free response questions and completing other assessment projects. Also, on Monday, June 28, George was interviewed for about half an hour by Ric Cengeri as part of the WDEV Math Show, a feature for his the radio host’s “Vermont Viewpoint” series. “It was interesting getting a couple of calls into the show with math/related questions,” George says. This spring, George also gave an invited virtual presentation on “Number Pattern Challenges” as part of the kick off for the Vermont State Math Fair. He led a group of K-12 students and families (mostly at the middle school level) through the hands-on investigation of the “Numbers on the Cards” activity. This presentation was supported by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont.
(posted July 2021)
Bret Findley of the chemistry faculty, Alain Brizard of the physics faculty and George Ashline of the mathematics faculty all managed to supervise substantial student research projects over the summer despite the pandemic by using virtual tools when necessary. Bret supervised one project on introducing students to “computational chemistry”; Bret and George oversaw a student project developing exercises for students that more clearly link calculus and chemistry; Alain supervised a project exploring oscillating chemical reactions.
(posted February 2021)
George Ashline of the Saint Michael’s mathematics faculty on October 25 gave a joint presentation entitled “Expanding Horizons” at the Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics (VCTM) virtual fall conference. Along with three other participants in the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s Expanding Horizons Program, George outlined several mathematics and statistics workshops/lessons that he has designed and shared in K-12 classrooms across the state for many years. In this program, college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. George also served this year as a faculty consultant for the online 2020 Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Readings, held June 13-19, with the preparatory Pre-Reading from June 1-10. Representing various universities, colleges, and high schools from around the world, over 1800 faculty consultants graded over 800,000 free response questions during the week-long reading. George served as a question leader, facilitating the preparation and implementation of the scoring notes and various samples for one of the Calculus AB free response questions.
(posted February 2021)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics and statistics, during the weekends of January 17-18, March 6-7, and April 24-25, co-taught the course Number Theory for Teachers as part of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI). The VMI includes a comprehensive professional development master’s program in mathematics education for Vermont educators to prepare them to become highly effective mathematics instructors with strong mathematics content knowledge, problem solving skills, and leadership abilities. About thirty-five educators from across the state were actively engaged in the spring term Number Theory course. George also, recently published the article “Leader Lessons Learned: Transition Advice and a Top Ten List from a Former Chair ” in PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, Volume 30, Number 6, 2020. This paper is part of a special PRIMUS issue on leading a department in the mathematical sciences. In the paper, George highlights lessons learned in leading a unit and offer suggestions for transitions between leaders. Here’s the paper’s abstract: “After serving multiple terms as department chair at a small, liberal arts college, we have had the opportunity to develop some insights in a variety of circumstances. Through these experiences, we have formulated some advice for current and future unit leaders. We have included some general transition advice and a ‘top ten list’ of lessons learned for leaders in their important roles and the challenging responsibilities that they face.”
(posted June 2020)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics and statistics, recently gave invited workshops to several classes/groups of students at Browns River Middle School in Jericho, Vermont. He led five separate 8th grade groups (around 80 students total) through the hands-on investigation/activity “Correlation Properties and Applications.” He also led several students in the BRMS math club through an investigation of the “Number Pattern Challenge – Thousandaire” activity. For his final visit during the semester break period, George was invited to give a couple of community math presentations primarily to home-schooled students at the Greensboro Free Library in Greensboro, VT. He initially led an older group of 8th through 11th grade students through the workshop on “Bias and Margin of Error” in which students explored ways in which bias can impact statistical analysis and the types of error that can arise in a study. Subsequently, he led a younger group of K-5 students and other community members through an investigation of the “Number Pattern Challenge – Numbers on the Cards” activity. “Students received their own Purple Knight stickers to recognize their participation in these learning activities, and they were encouraged to complete Saint Michael’s contact cards to learn more about the College as part of our prospective student mailing list,” George said. Earlier, in mid-December, George gave a series of invited talks/workshops to several different Algebra II classes and over 100 students at U-32 High School in East Montpelier, VT. During two day-long school visits on Monday and Tuesday, December 16 and 17, he presented the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding.” Through several activities, George led hands-on investigations by students at that high school of relevant exponential function concepts and their applications and a concluding exploration of the “Chaos Game.” He also presented “Number Pattern Challenges” to one smaller group of Geometry Lab students. George also recently gave an invited workshop to several groups of students at Mississquoi Valley Union High School in Swanton, VT. He presented the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to three groups of Algebra II and Pre-Calculus classes. Through several activities in the workshop on Friday, December 20, George led hands-on investigations by about 40 students at that high school of relevant exponential function concepts and their application and a concluding exploration of the “Chaos Game.” All these visits were sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. In summer 2019 gave an invited workshop to a group of regional K-12 teachers participating in Vermont’s first “Math Teachers Circle” at Middlebury College. He presented “A Brief Exploration of the Great Problems from Antiquity, with a Focus on Angle Trisection,” through which teachers investigated relevant geometrical and historical concepts and applications.
(posted February 2020)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics and statistics, served again this year as a faculty consultant at the 2019 Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Readings, held June 11-17 in Kansas City. Representing various universities, colleges, and high schools from around the world, about 1,170 faculty consultants graded the free response portions of about 445,000 AP Calculus exams during the week-long reading. Participating also in the four-day preparatory pre-reading before the start of the reading, George served as a table leader, co-facilitating the assessment work of a group of 16 readers, and a question team member, helping to prepare and implement the scoring guidelines and samples for one of the Calculus AB free response questions.
(posted June 2019)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently co-published with Ian Adelstein the article “Reframing the Pythagorean Theorem” in the January, 2019 issue of The College Mathematics Journal. In the paper, George and his co-author review some of the history and proofs of the theorem and then provide two original framing proofs. Here’s the summary from the end of the paper: “The Pythagorean Theorem is one of the most fundamental and familiar results in mathematics. There are scores of different proofs of the theorem, and in this article we provide a history and overview of the framing proof technique. In particular, we offer two new hands-on framing proofs that extend some earlier well-known derivations.” George also organized a campus event on March 1 titled “Mathematics Education Forum: Alumni Reflections and Advice.”
(posted June 2019)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently gave a series of invited talks/workshops to several different Geometry classes and about 120 students at U-32 High School in East Montpelier, VT. During two day-long school visits on Thursday and Friday, December 13 and 14, he presented the workshop “Framing the Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem” and the historical context for the Theorem. Through proof activities in each workshop, George led hands-on investigations by students at that high school of relevant mathematical and historical concepts. This visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. He also recently gave invited workshops to several classes/groups of students at Browns River Middle School in Jericho, Vermont. He led five separate 8th grade groups (about 125 students in total throughout the 8th grade) through the hands-on investigation/activity “Correlation Properties and Applications.” He also led several students in the BRMS math club through an investigation of the “Numbers on the Cards” activity. Each student received their own Purple Knights pen and set of stickers to recognize their participation in these learning activities. These visits were through Expanding Horizons. In yet another presentation, George gave an invited workshop to several groups of students at Mississquoi Valley Union High School in Swanton, VT. He presented the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to three groups of four combined Algebra II classes. Through several activities in the workshop, George led hands-on investigations by about 50 students at that high school of relevant exponential function concepts and their application and a concluding exploration of the “Chaos Game”. (Also through Expanding Horizons). During the week of July 16-20, 2018, George co-taught the course Number Theory for Teachers as part of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI). The VMI is a three-year, statewide, comprehensive professional development master’s program in mathematics for Vermont teachers to prepare them to become highly effective mathematics instructors with strong mathematics content knowledge, problem solving skills, and leadership skills. Twenty-seven teachers from across the state were actively engaged in the week-long Number Theory course. George served again this year as a faculty consultant at the 2018 Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Readings, held June 2-8 in Kansas City. Representing various universities, colleges, and high schools from around the world, over 1,000 faculty consultants graded the free response portions of over 450,000 AP Calculus exams during the week-long reading. Participating also in the four-day preparatory pre-reading before the start of the reading, George served as a table leader, co-facilitating the assessment work of a group of fourteen readers, and a question team member, helping to prepare and implement the scoring guidelines and samples for one of the Calculus AB free response questions.
(posted January 2019)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently addressed winners of the Vermont State Math Coalition’s Talent Search at the annual Vermont State Math Coalition Awards dinner. Similar to last year when he gave the invited presentation “The Pythagorean Theorem: A Look at its Rich History and Engaging Proofs,” this year he presented “What Can’t You Do with a Degree in Mathematics?” Each year, the Vermont State Math Coalition sponsors a Mathematics Talent Search Program, in which a set of challenging math problems are posted on the VSMC website four times during the year and students across the state have several weeks to solve the problems and submit their solutions to the program director.
(posted June 2018)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, in November gave six invited talks/workshops to different classes/groups of students at U-32 high school in Montpelier, VT. On Tuesday, November 21 and Thursday, November 30, he presented the workshop “Framing the Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem” to six different Geometry groups/classes. Through proof activities in each workshop, George led hands-on investigations by students at that high school of relevant mathematical and historical concepts. This visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. Earlier in fall 2017 gave several invited talks/workshops to several classes/groups of students at Browns River Middle School in Jericho, Vermont. He led four separate 8th grade groups (about 100 students in total) through the hands-on investigation/activity “Correlation Properties and Applications.” He also led two separate 5th and 6th grade groups (about 40 students in total) through the exploration/activity “Number Pattern Challenges”. Each student enjoyed receiving their own Purple Knights pen and set of stickers to celebrate their participation in these learning activities. These visits were sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. During the week of July 17-21, 2017, George co-taught the course Number Theory for Teachers as part of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI). The VMI is a three-year, statewide, comprehensive professional development program in mathematics for Vermont teachers to prepare them to become highly effective mathematics instructors with strong mathematics content knowledge, problem solving skills, and leadership skills. About 25 teachers from across the state and beyond were actively engaged in the week-long Number Theory course.
(posted December 2017)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently gave invited talks to students at Vergennes High School and South Burlington High School. He presented “Encountering the Great Problems from Antiquity” to one group of AP Calculus students in Vergennes and two AP Calculus classes in South Burlington. Through activities in these presentations, George led discussion and investigations by students at those high schools of some relevant concepts in the History of Mathematics. This visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. George also gave the Faculty Showcase invited talk “My Evolving Use of Classroom Technology: Integration of Smart Boards, Classroom Captures, and Plickers” at Saint Michael’s College on March 3, 2017; and, he presented invited talk “The Pythagorean Theorem: A Look at Its Rich History and Engaging Proofs” at the Vermont State Math Coalition’s Annual Talent Search Awards Dinner at the Sheraton in Burlington on May 4, 2017. The ten award winners from a range of high school grades were in attendance, along with their families and teachers and other members of the VSMC. Other activities for George in recent months since last report: On November 1 and December 16, he presented “Correlation Properties and Applications” to two different AP Statistics classes at Colchester High School. Through several activities in the workshop, George led investigations by students in both classes of the definition and properties of the correlation coefficient and lines of best fit for pairs of quantitative variables. This invited presentation and visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. On November 19, he gave the invited presentation “Geometry’s Golden Treasure: The Pythagorean Theorem with Some History, Proofs, and Extensions” at the fall Northeastern Section meetings of the Mathematical Association of America at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. In the talk, George considered the historical background of Pythagorean triples and the Pythagorean theorem and examined a few derivations of the theorem and some of its extensions, including an interesting result due to ancient Greek mathematician Pappus of Alexandria. On December 20, George presented “Bias and Margin of Error” to one Statistics class at South Burlington High School. Through activities in the workshop, George led discussion of survey design and implementation and investigation by students of ways in which bias can impact statistical analysis and the types of error that can arise in a study. This invited presentation and visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont.
(posted June 2017)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently gave six invited talks/workshops to about 125 students in different classes/groups of students at U-32 high school in Montpelier, VT. He presented the workshop “Encountering the Great Problems from Antiquity” workshop to five different Geometry groups/classes and the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to one Pre-Calculus class. Through several activities in each workshop, George led hands-on investigations by students at that high school of relevant concepts in Mathematics. This visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. During the week of July 18-22, 2016, George co-taught the course Number Theory for Teachers as part of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI). The VMI is a three-year, statewide, comprehensive professional development program in mathematics for Vermont teachers to prepare them to become highly effective mathematics instructors with strong mathematics content knowledge, problem solving skills, and leadership skills. More than twenty elementary, middle level, and high school teachers from across the state and beyond were actively engaged in the week-long Number Theory course.
(posted November 2016)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently was selected by the 2016 Northeast Section of the Mathematical Association of America Teaching Award Selection Committee to receive the 2016 NES/MAA Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching. The committee was “very impressed with George’s excellence in teaching and inspiration of students both at Saint Michael’s College and in greater Vermont.” He was nominated by his Saint Michael’s Mathematics Department colleagues Zsuzsanna Kadas and Jo Ellis-Monaghan. The award presentation was to be at the Spring Meeting at the University of New England in Biddeford, ME June 3-4, 2016. As this year’s winner George will be asked to give an invited talk at the 2016 Fall Meeting to be held at Trinity College in Hartford, CT November 18-19, 2016. The Section also aims to nominate George for the 2017 Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics.
(posted June 2016)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently gave several invited talks/workshops to a wide range of classes/groups of students at Hartford High School in Hartford, VT and Vermont Academy in Saxtons River, VT and Whitcomb High School in Bethel, VT. At Hartford, he presented the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to fourteen different classes (and nearly 200 students) in four groups during the four Hartford high school day blocks. At Vermont Academy, he led six classes in three groups through the activity “Number Pattern Challenges” and another two classes through the activity “Correlation Properties and Applications” and another two classes through the activity “Bias and Margin of Error” during both morning and afternoon periods. (There were about 100 students in all of the groups.) At Whitcomb HS, he led five groups of students through the “Estimating the Circumference of the Earth – Following in the Shadow of Eratosthenes” activity, in which students gathered sun shadow measurements at high noon and compared their calculations with those at a synchronized partnering location in Massachusetts to estimate the distance around the earth using an approach similar to a Greek estimation done in antiquity. (There were about 75 students in all of the groups.) These visits were sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont.
(Posted May 2016)
During the 2015-16 academic year, George Ashline, professor of mathematics, co-taught the fall course Calculus II for Teachers: Integral Calculus and spring course Probability, Geometry, and Measurement as part of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI). The VMI is a three-year, statewide, comprehensive professional development Master’s level program in mathematics for Vermont teachers to prepare them to become highly effective mathematics instructors with strong mathematics content knowledge, problem solving skills, and leadership skills. About 30 K-12 teachers from across the state were engaged in the Calculus II course taking place over three weekends in September, October, and November. About twenty K-12 teachers from across the state were engaged in the Probability, Geometry, Measurement course taking place over three weekends in January, March, and April.
(Posted May 2016)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently gave five invited talks/workshops to different classes/groups of students at U-32 high school in Montpelier, VT. He presented the workshop “Framing the Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and Investigating Some Interesting Pythagorean Triple Properties” to two Geometry classes, the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to one IMP 3 class, the workshop “Number Pattern Challenges” to an Algebra lab class, and a portion of the “Encountering the Great Problems from Antiquity” workshop to a group of advanced Geometry students. Through several activities in each workshop, George led hands-on investigations by students at that high school of relevant concepts in Mathematics. This visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont.
(posted May 2016)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, gave the Thirteenth Annual Pi Mu Epsilon lecture on Friday, November 6. His topic was “Exploring the famous problems from antiquity: angle trisection, cube duplication, and squaring the circle.” He covered three classical problems that Ancient Greeks wrestled with, explored nineteenth century insights about them and considered historical contexts for these problems along with interesting approaches to solving them using additional techniques and tools, including origami.
(posted January 2016)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, during the week of July 20-24, 2015, co-taught the course Number Theory for Teachers as part of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI). The VMI is a three-year, statewide, comprehensive professional development program in mathematics for Vermont teachers to prepare them to become highly effective mathematics instructors with strong mathematics content knowledge, problem solving skills, and leadership skills. Thirty-three elementary, middle level, and high school teachers from across the state were actively engaged in the week-long number theory course.
George also was again this year a faculty consultant at the 2015 Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Readings, held May 30-June 8 in Kansas City. Representing various universities, colleges, and high schools from around the world, faculty consultants graded the free response portions of over 424,000 AP Calculus exams during the week-long reading. George served as a question team member and table leader at the reading, helping to coordinate the implementation of the rubric and overall evaluation for one of the exam’s free response questions and co-facilitating the assessment work of a group of sixteen readers.On June 22, George engaged a group of more than 30 Vermont high school students in the presentation “Framing the Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and Investigating Pythagorean Triple Properties” as part of the Governor’s Institute of Vermont Mathematics Institute, a week-long summer program for outstanding high school students, held at the University of Vermont.
On May 18, he presented “Correlation Properties and Applications” to one Algebra II class and “Bias and Margin of Error” to an AP Calculus class at Brattleboro High School. Through several activities in the first workshop, George led investigations by students of the definition and properties of the correlation coefficient and lines of best fit for pairs of quantitative variables. In the second workshop, students explored ways in which bias can impact statistical analysis and the types of error that can arise in a study. These presentations and visits were sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont.
(posted September 2015)
George Ashline, professor and chair of mathematics, during Spring Break week gave an invited talk/workshop to four different classes/groups of students at Canaan High School in Canaan, VT. He presented the workshop “Bias and Margin of Error in Statistical Analysis” to two Algebra II combined class group, followed by a Geometry and Pre-Calculus combined class group, followed by a large Middle Grades math group, followed by an Algebra I group. Through different hands-on activities in the workshop, George led investigations by students at this high school of relevant concepts in Mathematics and Statistics. These visits were sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont.
(posted April 2015)
George Ashline, chair and professor of mathematics, participated in the Fall 2014 Vermont Council of Mathematics Teachers (VCTM) annual conference held at Saint Michael’s on Oct.17. The theme of the conference was “Teaching Mathematics Today.” In one of the conference sessions, George presented “Encountering the Great Problems from Antiquity: Hands-On Trisection, Duplication, and Quadrature” and led participants through a consideration of straightedge and compass constructions and several problems which require additional methods, such as origami, to solve.
(posted November 2014)
George Ashline, chair and professor of mathematics, during the week of July 21-25 co-taught the course Number Theory for Teachers as part of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI). The VMI is a three-year, statewide, comprehensive professional development program in mathematics for Vermont teachers to prepare them to become highly effective mathematics instructors with strong mathematics content knowledge, problem-solving skills, and leadership skills. Thirty elementary, middle-level, and high-school teachers from across the state were actively engaged in the week-long course. On June 23 and 24, George engaged a group of more than 30 Vermont high school students in the presentation “Estimating the Circumference of the Earth – Following in the Shadow of Eratosthenes” as part of the Governor’s Institute of Vermont Mathematics Institute, a week-long summer program for outstanding high school students, held at the University of Vermont. On June 9, George presented “Correlation Properties and Applications” to one AP class and “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to two other math classes at Brattleboro High School. Through several activities in the first workshop, George led investigations by students of the definition and properties of the correlation coefficient and lines of best fit for pairs of quantitative variables. In the second workshop, students explored exponential functions and their applications and the “Chaos Game.” These presentations and visits were sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. During Spring Break week, George gave three invited talks/workshops to different classes/groups of students at Canaan High School in Canaan, Vt. He presented the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to one Pre-Calculus/Calculus II combined class, followed by an Algebra I class, followed by an Eighth Grade math class. Later during Spring Break, George gave four invited talks/workshops to different classes/groups of students at Milton High School in Milton, Vermont. He presented “Bias and Margin of Error in Statistical Analysis” to two AP Statistics classes, followed by the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to three Pre-Calculus classes and another version of that workshop to an AP Calculus class. Through several hands-on activities in each workshop, George led investigations by students at those two high schools of relevant concepts in Mathematics and Statistics. These visits were sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont.
(posted August 2014)
George Ashline, professor and chair of mathematics, recently gave four invited talks/workshops to different classes/groups of students at U-32 High School in Montpelier, VT. He presented the workshop “Bias and Margin of Error in Statistical Analysis” to one AP Statistics class, the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to two Algebra II classes, and the workshop “Correlation Properties and Applications” to an Algebra I class. Through several activities in each workshop, George led hands-on investigations by students at that high school of relevant concepts in Statistics and Mathematics. This visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. (March 2014)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently gave three invited talks to different classes/groups of students at Danville High School. He presented the workshop “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to a Problem Solving/Pre-Calculus class, followed by a Compound Interest lesson to a Financial Literacy class, followed by the workshop “Correlation Properties and Applications” to a Statistics class combined with a group of advanced students. Through several activities in each workshop, George led investigations by students at that high school of relevant concepts, and he also discussed college math requirements and some of the features/benefits of attending a college like Saint Michael’s. This visit was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. (November 2013)
George Ashline, professor of mathematics, recently presented “Exponential Functions in Snowflakes, Carpets, and Paper Folding” to two separate classes at Brattleboro Union High School on May 23. Through several activities in each workshop, George led investigations by students at that high school of exponential functions and their applications, and the “Chaos Game.” These presentations and visits were sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. He was then invited by a different high school teacher to return to the Brattleboro school on June 4 to give another version of the “Exponential Functions” workshop to one class, and another presentation on “Bias and Margin of Error” to two statistics classes. Also, during the week of July 15-19, George co-taught the course Number Theory for Teachers as part of the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI). The VMI is a three-year, statewide, comprehensive professional development program in mathematics for Vermont teachers to prepare them to become highly effective mathematics instructors with strong mathematics content knowledge, problem solving skills, and leadership skills. Twenty-three elementary, middle level and high school teachers from across the state were actively engaged in the week-long course. (posted September 2013)
George Ashline, professor and chair of mathematics, was again this year a faculty consultant at the 2012 Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Readings, held June 8-16 in Kansas City. Representing various universities, colleges, and high schools from around the world, faculty consultants graded the free response portions of over 360,000 AP Calculus exams during the week-long reading. George served as a table leader at the reading, helping to facilitate the assessment work of a group of fourteen readers.
George Ashline, professor and chair of mathematics, on May 15, 2011 presented “Correlation Properties and Applications” to several high school mathematics classes at Bellows Free Academy High School in Fairfax, VT. Through several activities, George led investigations by students of the definition and properties of the correlation coefficient and lines of best fit for pairs of quantitative variables. This presentation was sponsored by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition’s “Expanding Horizons Program,” through which college and university faculty are invited to give presentations and visit classrooms across the state of Vermont. Also, with several co-authors, George recently had an article accepted for publication as one chapter of the current NCTM yearbook. Here are the details of the publication: “Closing the Achievement Gap: Systemic Collaboration for Equity in Mathematics,” (with Marny Frantz, Kendra Gorton, Sandy Hepp, and Stephanie Ratmeyer), In J. Bay-Williams and W. Speer (Eds.), Professional Collaborations in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Seeking Success for All, NCTM 74th Yearbook, NCTM: Reston, VA (2012) 31-45. Also, George and Dave Landers, Instructor of Psychology, presented in an “Approaches to Learning with Tegrity” showcase November 29, 2011 at the campus Technology Center. Also, their presentations along with their students were recorded (via Tegrity, naturally) with the intent of making the recording available to the community via a Web site link thanks to the work of Jim Millard, senior instructional technologist. Over lunch, Dave and George and some of their students held a discussion of their experiences using Tegrity in a classroom setting, and how this technology tool has enriched classroom pedagogy and supported student learning. Dave and his students talked about peer and self-review in Sports Psychology, as well as how Tegrity is used for observation in Theory of Psychology. George uses Tegrity, clickers, and the Smartboard to help his students understand, apply, and review mathematical concepts in such classes as Calculus and Linear Algebra. Examples of successful Tegrity captures and some features of this technology were shared.